AdButler API Beta
Happy New Years everyone!
Another short post today to start the year off. After months of hard work, we’re finally ready to start beta testing our API!
Some of you may actually already be using it, as we’ve been slowly rolling it out the past months. For everyone else, we are now starting open enrolment. You can sign up here.
We currently have a PHP and Node.js library for the API, and a documentation website. With our API you can do pretty much anything that you can in your AdButler dashboard, from creating campaigns and banners to retrieving statistics. The API will allow you to start manipulating AdButler however you want, whether it’s to create a different front end for your customers or a batch uploader for banners.
With all that in mind, please be aware that the API is in beta. We have a dedicated team working on it (who can be reached through api@adbutler.com), but it is not done yet. You may notice mistakes in the documentation or bugs in the code. If you find one please let us know! We want the API to be the best that it can be and we need your help to do that.
As for what’s coming this year on the blog, keep on the lookout for the some integrations with the API and the sort of stories we’ve been posting for the past few months. And if you come up with something interesting using the API, let me know: liam@sparklit.com
Finally, a quick reminder that you get a 15% discount on all annual AdButler subscriptions. If you want to make the change (both new and old customers), head over to here to submit an upgrade request!