An End-of-May Content Update to Master Your Ad Serving 📚🌦️
In many parts of the world, it's well into spring with summer just around the corner.
It can be hard to predict what the forecast might have in store this time of year.
It could be pouring rain outside, or a preview of the sunny summer days ahead. 🌦️

Whether you’re cooped up inside or taking advantage of a spot of nice weather, AdButler has a selection of content lined up in different formats to keep you in the ad tech loop!
Before diving in, we’d like to offer a reminder that the early access program for AdButler’s contextual advertising solution is still open for registration if you're interested in adding it to your toolkit:

We’ve also released a brand resource media kit for our partners to use in the repromotion of the AdButler platform - check out the new resource page here.
If you’re interested, AdButler’s partnership program is still accepting new participants:

With those opportunities addressed, let’s dive into some new content that’s available to keep you company - rain or shine!
New Podcast:
🌦️ We’re excited to lift the clouds surrounding a new podcast series:
- “AdTech Unscripted” is a production involving AdButler’s own Head of Product, Rob Janes, alongside a variety of guest speakers from across the ad tech industry.
- We look forward to bringing you some exclusive insights from conversations that are taking place behind closed doors within the industry!
- Check out the premiere episode here with guest speaker Ben Aston, founder of Black & White Zebra, sharing insights on subscription models vs ads, the inventory selling process, ad blockers, and more.
New Success Stories:
🌦️ Brighten up your day by reading about these new success stories:
- If you’re looking for some creative ways to lift your revenue or just feel like reading some good news, see how companies are meeting their objectives with AdButler.
- Featured stories include broadcasting networks like Pattison Media, video game aggregators like SideQuest, news publishers like TheIndianExpress, and more.
New Pricing Page:
🌦️ Refresh your view of AdButler’s features with our new pricing page:
- AdButler has extended its capabilities to meet the diverse needs of publishers from around the world over the years, at a pace which exceeded the scope of our basic pricing plans.
- We’re excited to offer a new and improved pricing page which provides complete transparency into all of AdButler’s features and their associated costs - helping you to build a plan that completes your objectives and exceeds your revenue expectations.
New Blogs:
🌦️ We’ve published new blogs detailing the landscape of retail media, a sector which has been receiving torrential interest following Amazon’s 2021 earnings reports.
Learn more about the media strategies that are helping retailers stay competitive against the big players:

Help Resource Updates:
🌦️ Wash away any questions you may have about the software with a flood of new help documents, assembled with care by our product specialists:
- New guides for the iOS SDK and Android SDK.
- A new guide on using Contextual Segments (currently in early-access).
- A new guide on using the Reporting API.
- API documentation for multiple features - including Server-side Ad Requests, Event Logs, Native Templates, Platform Targeting, and Unique Delivery.
- API documentation for Data Keys and Data Key Targets.
- Created documentation for the Placement Forecast endpoint.
That’s it for this month’s content downpour!
As always, there are many software improvements in the pipeline, including some further developments being made to the beta version of the contextual management platform.
If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for the contextual early access program - we look forward to sharing some more exciting news about the platform next time!