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What is Parent Mental Health Day ( #PMHD )?

Stem4’s Parent Mental Health Day (PMHD) encourages understanding and awareness of the importance of the family as a system where parent and carer mental health is as important a focus as young people’s mental health. With the 2023 theme being #BuildFamilyResilience, the day aimed to explore how family resilience can be built, minimising negative impact on either the parents and carers or their children and young people.

The #PMHD story

Mental health can be impacted by a number of factors, including environmental and social. There is evidence that the pandemic has impacted significantly on parent and carer mental health. Increasing severity, new emerging psychological issues, and lack of access to stretched mental health services has also generated ongoing worries on how to also support their child / young person’s mental health. The cost of living crisis, which has so closely followed the pandemic, and increased concerns about digital harms have further increased parent and carer anxiety and, in some cases, helplessness and hopelessness.

Parent Mental Health Day is here to shine a light on parents/carers who are continuing to parent under unprecedented circumstances and may be struggling in the face of adversity. By getting parents, carers, and employers engaged in discussions, PMHD aims to challenge the stigmas surrounding parents’ and carers’ mental health, start a discussion, and provide some resilience tips.

stem4, a charity that supports young people to build positive mental health, is proud to be the UK founder of Parent Mental Health Day, which started in 2022.

When is Parent Mental Health Day 2024?

Parent Mental Health Day (PMHD) 2024 will take place on the 27th of January and the theme will be “Creating Positive Relationships”. You can visit the Stem4 website for more information or to view the campaign resources.

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