BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Awareness Days Events Calendar 2023 - ECPv6.2.8.2//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for Awareness Days Events Calendar 2023 REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Europe/London BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 TZNAME:BST DTSTART:20240331T010000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0100 TZOFFSETTO:+0000 TZNAME:GMT DTSTART:20241027T010000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240101 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240201 DTSTAMP:20240102T082142 CREATED:20231007T123017Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231008T150412Z SUMMARY:Veganuary 2024 DESCRIPTION:Veganuary is a popular annual event that encourages people to try a vegan lifestyle for the entire month of January. It’s a global movement that aims to promote veganism by raising awareness about the ethical\, environmental\, and health benefits of a plant-based diet. During Veganuary\, participants pledge to go vegan and explore a world of delicious\, cruelty-free foods\, and they receive support and resources to make the transition easier. \nWhat is Veganuary 2024?\nVeganuary 2024 is the latest edition of this transformative movement\, inviting individuals to embrace veganism throughout the month of January. It provides an opportunity for people from all walks of life to experience the positive impact of a vegan diet on their health\, the environment\, and animal welfare. Participants commit to avoiding all animal products\, including meat\, dairy\, eggs\, and honey\, while exploring the wide variety of vegan foods and recipes available. \nWhen is Veganuary 2024?\nVeganuary takes place throughout the entire month of January each year. It’s a month-long commitment to veganism\, and participants can register and start their journey at the beginning of the year. \nHow to Participate in Veganuary 2024?\nParticipating in Veganuary is a straightforward and rewarding experience. Here’s how you can join in: \n\nRegister: Sign up on the official Veganuary website to take the pledge and receive support and resources.\nEducate Yourself: Learn about veganism\, its benefits\, and the impact of animal agriculture on the environment and animal welfare.\nPlan Your Meals: Explore vegan recipes\, plan your meals\, and discover plant-based alternatives to your favorite foods.\nConnect with the Community: Join the vibrant Veganuary community on social media to share your experiences\, ask questions\, and connect with fellow participants.\nTry Vegan Products: Explore the growing range of vegan products\, including plant-based meats\, dairy alternatives\, and snacks.\nShare Your Journey: Document your Veganuary experience on social media to inspire others and raise awareness.\n\nHistory of Veganuary\nVeganuary was founded in 2014 by Jane Land and Matthew Glover with the aim of inspiring people to adopt a vegan lifestyle and reduce their impact on the planet. Over the years\, it has grown into a global movement\, with millions of participants taking the pledge and discovering the joys of vegan living. \nRelevant Hashtags\nWhen sharing your Veganuary journey and experiences in 2024\, consider using these relevant hashtags: \n\n#Veganuary\n#GoVegan\n#PlantBased\n#VeganLifestyle\n#VeganForTheAnimals\n\nUsing these hashtags can help you connect with the worldwide Veganuary community\, share your progress\, and inspire others to join the movement towards a compassionate and sustainable way of living. URL: CATEGORIES:Animal Awareness,Environmental Awareness,Food Awareness,Health Awareness,January ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240101 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240201 DTSTAMP:20240102T082142 CREATED:20231008T114835Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231008T150538Z SUMMARY:Walk Your Dog Month 2024 DESCRIPTION:Walk Your Dog Month is an annual observance celebrated in January to highlight the importance of regular exercise and outdoor activity for dogs. This month-long event encourages dog owners to make a commitment to walk their furry friends more often\, providing numerous physical and mental benefits for both dogs and their owners. It’s an opportunity to promote canine health\, strengthen the bond between dogs and their caregivers\, and enjoy the great outdoors together. \nWhat is Walk Your Dog Month 2024?\nWalk Your Dog Month 2024 is the latest installment of this pet-focused campaign\, urging dog owners to prioritize daily walks with their canine companions. It emphasizes the positive impact of regular exercise on a dog’s well-being and encourages owners to create healthy routines that include outdoor activity. During this month\, dog owners are inspired to explore various walking routes\, parks\, and trails with their pets. \nWhen is Walk Your Dog Month 2024?\nWalk Your Dog Month takes place throughout the entire month of January each year. It’s a perfect way to kickstart the year by establishing healthy habits for both dogs and their owners. \nHow to Celebrate Walk Your Dog Month 2024?\nCelebrating Walk Your Dog Month is a fun and rewarding experience that benefits both dogs and their owners. Here are some ways to participate: \n\nCommit to Daily Walks: Pledge to walk your dog every day in January\, regardless of the weather.\nDiscover New Routes: Explore different walking paths\, parks\, and nature trails to keep your dog engaged and excited.\nInvolve the Whole Family: Encourage family members to participate in dog walks\, making it a shared activity.\nSet Goals: Challenge yourself and your dog by setting walking goals\, such as increasing the distance or trying new activities like hiking.\nObserve Safety: Ensure your dog is safely leashed during walks and equipped with proper identification.\nSocialize: Use dog walks as an opportunity for your furry friend to socialize with other dogs and people at dog-friendly parks.\nDocument the Journey: Capture memorable moments during your walks and share them on social media using dedicated hashtags.\n\nHistory of Walk Your Dog Month\nWalk Your Dog Month was established to promote the well-being of dogs and encourage responsible pet ownership. It reminds us that dogs require regular exercise and mental stimulation to stay healthy and happy. This observance also serves as a reminder of the joy and companionship that dogs bring to our lives. \nRelevant Hashtags\nWhen sharing your Walk Your Dog Month adventures in 2024\, consider using these relevant hashtags: \n\n#WalkYourDogMonth\n#DogExercise\n#HealthyPets\n#DogWalking\n#HappyDogs\n\nUsing these hashtags can help you connect with fellow dog lovers\, share tips and stories\, and inspire others to join the movement towards healthier and happier dogs through regular walks. URL: CATEGORIES:Animal Awareness,Family Awareness,Health Awareness,International Awareness,January,Pet Awareness Days ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240121 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240122 DTSTAMP:20240102T082142 CREATED:20231008T114910Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231008T154132Z SUMMARY:Squirrel Appreciation Day 2024 DESCRIPTION:Squirrel Appreciation Day is a delightful and lighthearted holiday dedicated to celebrating and appreciating these charismatic little creatures. Squirrels are known for their playful antics\, acrobatic abilities\, and bushy tails\, making them a favorite among wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers. This day encourages people to observe\, feed\, and learn more about these furry friends. \nWhat is Squirrel Appreciation Day 2024?\nSquirrel Appreciation Day 2024 is a day to express gratitude for the presence of squirrels in our ecosystems and to enjoy their charming behaviors. It’s an opportunity to connect with nature\, observe these agile creatures\, and deepen our understanding of their importance in the environment. \nWhen is Squirrel Appreciation Day 2024?\nSquirrel Appreciation Day is celebrated annually on January 21st. \nHow to Celebrate Squirrel Appreciation Day 2024?\nCelebrating Squirrel Appreciation Day can be a fun and educational experience for people of all ages. Here are some ideas to make the most of this day: \n\nObserve Squirrels: Spend time in a park or your backyard observing squirrels in their natural habitat. Watch their playful antics and take note of their behaviors.\nProvide Squirrel-Friendly Treats: Offer squirrels a special treat\, such as nuts\, seeds\, or fruits\, in a squirrel feeder. Make sure the treats are safe and appropriate for them.\nLearn About Squirrels: Take the time to read and learn about different squirrel species\, their habits\, and their role in the ecosystem.\nCreate Squirrel Art: Express your appreciation by drawing\, painting\, or crafting squirrel-themed art. Share your creations with others.\nVisit a Wildlife Sanctuary: If possible\, visit a wildlife sanctuary or nature reserve where you can observe squirrels and other wildlife up close.\n\nHistory of Squirrel Appreciation Day\nSquirrel Appreciation Day was created by Christy Hargrove\, a wildlife rehabilitator from Asheville\, North Carolina\, in 2001. Hargrove wanted to encourage people to enjoy the company of squirrels and recognize their value in our ecosystems. \nRelevant Hashtags\nWhen sharing your squirrel-filled adventures and creations on social media\, consider using these hashtags: \n\n#SquirrelAppreciationDay\n#SquirrelLovers\n#NatureObservation\n#WildlifeWonder\n\nUsing these hashtags allows you to connect with fellow squirrel enthusiasts and share your squirrel appreciation with a wider audience. URL: CATEGORIES:Animal Awareness,Education Awareness,Environmental Awareness,International Awareness,January ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240201 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240301 DTSTAMP:20240102T082142 CREATED:20231008T115025Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231008T165707Z SUMMARY:Spay/Neuter Awareness Month 2024 DESCRIPTION:Spay/Neuter Awareness Month is an important annual observance dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of spaying and neutering pets. This month-long campaign encourages responsible pet ownership and aims to reduce the number of homeless animals by preventing overpopulation. Spaying and neutering not only benefit individual pets but also contribute to the overall well-being of communities and animal welfare. \nWhat is Spay/Neuter Awareness Month?\nSpay/Neuter Awareness Month is observed throughout February. Its primary focus is to educate pet owners and the general public about the positive impact of spaying and neutering pets. This surgical procedure helps control the pet population and provides numerous health and behavioral benefits to animals. \nWhen is Spay/Neuter Awareness Month?\nSpay/Neuter Awareness Month takes place in February each year. It serves as a reminder for pet owners to consider the welfare of their animals and take responsible actions to prevent unwanted litters. \nHow to Support Spay/Neuter Awareness Month\nParticipating in Spay/Neuter Awareness Month can be done in various ways\, and individuals\, animal shelters\, and organizations can all get involved. Here are some ways to support the cause: \n\nSpread Awareness: Share information about the benefits of spaying and neutering pets on social media\, websites\, and within your community.\nHost Workshops or Webinars: Organize educational events to provide guidance on responsible pet ownership and the spaying/neutering process.\nOffer Discounts: If you’re a veterinarian or operate an animal clinic\, consider offering discounts on spaying/neutering services during this month.\nAdopt from Shelters: Encourage pet adoption from animal shelters and rescue organizations\, where spaying/neutering is often part of the adoption process.\nVolunteer: Volunteer your time and expertise at local animal shelters or organizations that focus on animal welfare.\n\nHistory of Spay/Neuter Awareness Month\nSpay/Neuter Awareness Month was established to address the issue of pet overpopulation and reduce the number of homeless animals. It emphasizes the importance of responsible pet ownership and promotes the spaying and neutering of pets as a humane and effective way to control animal populations. \nBy raising awareness about the benefits of spaying and neutering\, this observance aims to reduce the euthanasia of unwanted animals and improve the quality of life for pets and their owners. \nHashtags for Spay/Neuter Awareness Month\nWhen sharing information about Spay/Neuter Awareness Month and promoting responsible pet ownership\, consider using these hashtags on social media: \n\n#SpayNeuterAwarenessMonth\n#ResponsiblePetOwnership\n#PetHealth\n#AnimalWelfare\n#ReducePetOverpopulation\n\nUsing these hashtags can help raise the visibility of this important cause and encourage others to get involved in spreading awareness. URL: CATEGORIES:Animal Awareness,February,Health Awareness,International Awareness,Pet Awareness Days,US ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240202 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240203 DTSTAMP:20240102T082142 CREATED:20231008T115054Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231008T170410Z SUMMARY:Groundhog Day 2024 DESCRIPTION:Groundhog Day is a quirky and fun American tradition that takes place on February 2nd each year. On this day\, people eagerly await the emergence of a groundhog from its burrow. According to folklore\, if the groundhog sees its shadow\, there will be six more weeks of winter; if not\, spring will come early. Groundhog Day is celebrated with enthusiasm\, with various events and festivities taking place across the United States. \nWhat is Groundhog Day 2024?\nGroundhog Day 2024 is the annual event where people gather to witness the prediction made by a groundhog regarding the arrival of spring. While the tradition is rooted in folklore and is not a scientifically accurate way to predict the weather\, it remains a beloved and lighthearted tradition in many communities. \nWhen is Groundhog Day 2024?\nGroundhog Day is celebrated on February 2nd each year. It coincides with the Christian holiday of Candlemas and has its origins in European weather lore\, which used animals like badgers and bears instead of groundhogs. \nHow to Celebrate Groundhog Day 2024?\nCelebrating Groundhog Day can be a fun and festive experience. Here are some ways to join in the festivities: \n\nAttend Groundhog Day Events: Check if there are any local events or celebrations happening in your area. Many towns and cities hold parades and gatherings for this unique holiday.\nWatch the Groundhog Ceremony: Tune in to the live broadcast or live stream of the official Groundhog Day ceremony at Gobbler’s Knob in Punxsutawney\, Pennsylvania. This is where Punxsutawney Phil\, one of the most famous groundhogs\, makes his prediction.\nHost a Groundhog Day Party: Invite friends and family over for a Groundhog Day-themed party. Decorate with groundhog-themed items and watch the classic movie “Groundhog Day” starring Bill Murray.\nCreate Groundhog Crafts: Get creative with crafts featuring groundhog motifs. You can make groundhog masks\, puppets\, or even bake groundhog-shaped cookies.\nLearn About Groundhogs: Take the opportunity to educate yourself and others about groundhogs\, their habits\, and their role in folklore and weather predictions.\n\nHistory of Groundhog Day\nGroundhog Day has its origins in ancient European traditions associated with Candlemas. The idea of predicting weather based on an animal’s behavior emerged in Germany\, where the badger was used for this purpose. When German immigrants settled in Pennsylvania\, they brought this tradition with them but switched to using groundhogs\, which were more readily available. \nThe most famous groundhog\, Punxsutawney Phil\, has been making predictions in Punxsutawney\, Pennsylvania\, since the late 19th century. The first official Groundhog Day celebration took place there in 1887. \nHashtags for Groundhog Day 2024\nJoin the Groundhog Day conversation on social media by using these hashtags: \n\n#GroundhogDay\n#PunxsutawneyPhil\n#EarlySpring\n#SixMoreWeeks\n#GroundhogPrediction\n\nThese hashtags will help you connect with others who are celebrating this unique and quirky holiday. URL: CATEGORIES:Animal Awareness,February,Historical Awareness Days,Religious Awareness Days,US ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240220 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240221 DTSTAMP:20240102T082142 CREATED:20231008T115304Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231014T093458Z SUMMARY:National Love Your Pet Day 2024 DESCRIPTION:National Love Your Pet Day is a special occasion dedicated to celebrating the bond between humans and their beloved pets. It’s a day to shower your furry\, feathered\, or scaly friends with love\, attention\, and appreciation. In this article\, we’ll explore what National Love Your Pet Day is all about\, when it’s observed\, how to celebrate it\, and some popular hashtags to join the online celebration. \nWhat is National Love Your Pet Day?\nNational Love Your Pet Day is an annual reminder to cherish and care for your pets\, whether they are cats\, dogs\, birds\, reptiles\, or any other creatures that have found a place in your heart. It’s a day to recognize the companionship\, loyalty\, and joy that pets bring into our lives. Whether you have a playful puppy or a purring kitty\, this day is all about celebrating the unique bond you share with your animal companions. \nWhen is National Love Your Pet Day?\nNational Love Your Pet Day is observed on February 20th each year. It’s a day to set aside some extra time to show your pets how much they mean to you and to reflect on the positive impact they have on your life. \nHow to Celebrate National Love Your Pet Day\nCelebrating National Love Your Pet Day is easy and fun. Here are some ideas to make this day special for your furry friends: \n\nQuality Time: Spend quality time with your pets\, whether it’s playing fetch\, going for a long walk\, or simply cuddling on the couch. Give them your undivided attention.\nTreats and Toys: Surprise your pets with their favorite treats or a new toy. Spoil them a little to show your love.\nGrooming Day: Give your pets a spa day with a gentle bath\, brushing\, and nail trimming. They’ll appreciate the pampering.\nAdventure Outing: Take your dogs on an outdoor adventure to a park or trail. Cats can enjoy some indoor playtime with interactive toys.\nPhoto Session: Capture the precious moments with your pets by taking photos or creating a special pet photo album.\nDonate or Volunteer: Consider making a donation to a local animal shelter or volunteering your time to help animals in need.\n\nPopular Hashtags for National Love Your Pet Day\nShare your love for your pets and connect with other pet enthusiasts using these popular hashtags: \n\n#LoveYourPetDay\n#PetLove\n#FurryFriends\n#PetsAreFamily\n#AnimalCompanions\n\nConclusion\nNational Love Your Pet Day is a wonderful opportunity to express your affection and gratitude for the animals that bring joy and comfort to your life. Whether you have a playful puppy\, a chirping bird\, or a snuggly cat\, take the time on February 20th to celebrate the bond you share with your pets. They deserve all the love in the world! URL: CATEGORIES:Animal Awareness,Family Awareness,February,International Awareness,Pet Awareness Days ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240223 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240224 DTSTAMP:20240102T082142 CREATED:20231008T115348Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231014T100002Z SUMMARY:World Spay Day 2024 DESCRIPTION:World Spay Day is an annual observance dedicated to promoting the spaying and neutering of pets as a humane and effective way to reduce pet overpopulation. This global event raises awareness about the importance of responsible pet ownership and encourages pet owners to take action. In this article\, we’ll explore what World Spay Day is all about\, when it occurs\, how to get involved\, its history\, and event hashtags that help spread the message of responsible pet care. \nWhat is World Spay Day?\nWorld Spay Day is an international campaign that advocates for spaying and neutering pets to prevent unplanned litters and reduce the number of stray animals. The event emphasizes the benefits of spaying and neutering\, which include improved pet health\, reduced animal suffering\, and a decrease in the number of animals euthanized in shelters. \nWhen is World Spay Day?\nWorld Spay Day is observed on the last Tuesday in February each year. In 2024\, it will take place on February 27th. This specific date is chosen to draw attention to the importance of spaying and neutering pets during a time when many animals begin to reproduce in the spring. \nHow to Get Involved\nParticipating in World Spay Day is a meaningful way to contribute to the well-being of pets and reduce the overpopulation crisis. Here are some ways to get involved: \n\nSpay or Neuter Your Pet: If you have a pet that has not been spayed or neutered\, consider scheduling the procedure. It’s a responsible choice that benefits your pet’s health and prevents unwanted litters.\nSupport Local Spay/Neuter Programs: Contribute to or volunteer with local organizations or veterinary clinics that offer low-cost spay/neuter services to pet owners in need.\nSpread Awareness: Use social media to share information about World Spay Day and the importance of spaying and neutering. Encourage your friends and family to do the same.\nDonate to Animal Welfare Organizations: Consider making a donation to animal shelters\, rescue groups\, or organizations dedicated to animal welfare. Your support can help fund spay/neuter initiatives.\nAttend Local Events: Check if there are any World Spay Day events\, workshops\, or fundraisers happening in your community and participate in them.\n\nHistory of World Spay Day\nWorld Spay Day was initiated by the Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society International in 1995. It began as a single-day event and has since evolved into a global campaign with the participation of numerous animal welfare organizations and advocates. The goal is to promote spaying and neutering as a solution to the pet overpopulation crisis. \nEvent Hashtags\nWhen participating in World Spay Day activities and sharing your support on social media\, consider using event hashtags to help spread the message: \n\n#WorldSpayDay\n#SpayNeuter\n#ResponsiblePetOwnership\n#PreventPetOverpopulation\n\nThese hashtags can connect you with others who are passionate about responsible pet care and the welfare of animals. \nConclusion\nWorld Spay Day serves as a reminder of the importance of spaying and neutering pets to improve their quality of life and address the issue of pet overpopulation. By taking action on this day and supporting spay/neuter initiatives\, you can make a positive impact on the lives of animals and contribute to creating a more humane world. URL: CATEGORIES:Animal Awareness,Community Awareness,Family Awareness,February,International Awareness,Pet Awareness Days ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240307 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240311 DTSTAMP:20240102T082142 CREATED:20231008T115613Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231014T122324Z SUMMARY:Crufts 2024 DESCRIPTION:From the smallest Chihuahua to the grandest Great Dane\, dogs of all shapes and sizes gather in a celebration of canine excellence. Crufts\, the world’s most significant dog show\, showcases the beauty\, talent\, and diversity of our four-legged friends\, capturing the hearts of dog lovers everywhere. \nWhat is Crufts?\nCrufts is the world’s largest and most renowned dog show\, hosted annually by The Kennel Club. The event features a wide variety of competitions\, including breed judging\, agility\, obedience\, and many others. It celebrates every aspect of the role that dogs play in our lives and gives a nod to both pedigreed and cross-breed dogs. \nWhen is Crufts?\nIn 2024\, Crufts will once again light up the world of dog enthusiasts from 7th March to 10th March. Typically spanning four days\, each day is dedicated to different breed groups\, culminating in the coveted “Best in Show” award on the final day. \nHow to Get Involved\nWhether you’re a proud dog owner or simply an admirer\, there’s something for everyone at Crufts: \n\nAttend in Person: Experience the magic of Crufts by attending the event. Tickets are usually available for purchase on The Kennel Club’s website.\nWatch Live: Can’t make it to the venue? Many broadcasters air live coverage of the event\, ensuring you don’t miss out on any of the action.\nParticipate: If you believe your furry friend has what it takes\, consider entering the competition. Information regarding participation can be found on the official Crufts website.\nEngage on Social Media: Join the conversation using official hashtags\, share your favorite moments\, or show support for your preferred breeds and competitors.\n\nHistory of the Event\nCrufts began in 1891\, founded by Charles Cruft. From its humble beginnings as a show for toy breeds and terriers\, it has grown exponentially over the years\, embracing all breeds and becoming an event of international acclaim. Today\, it stands not just as a competition but as a celebration of all things canine. \nRelevant Hashtags\nDive into the canine world\, share glimpses\, or simply enjoy the spectacle using these hashtags: \n\n#Crufts2024\n#DogLovers\n#BestInShow\n#TheKennelClub\n#CanineExcellence URL: CATEGORIES:Animal Awareness,March,Pet Awareness Days,UK ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240313 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240314 DTSTAMP:20240102T082142 CREATED:20231008T115641Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231014T123402Z SUMMARY:K9 Veterans Day 2024 DESCRIPTION:They are more than just man’s best friend; they are loyal partners\, fearless protectors\, and unsung heroes. K9 Veterans Day pays tribute to the dedicated military and service dogs that have served alongside their human counterparts\, safeguarding and serving with unwavering loyalty. \nWhat is K9 Veterans Day?\nK9 Veterans Day is an annual recognition of the incredible contributions of military and service dogs. From the battlefields to search and rescue operations\, to assisting law enforcement and being therapy companions\, these dogs play an indispensable role. This day honors their sacrifices\, dedication\, and the invaluable services they provide. \nWhen is K9 Veterans Day?\nPrepare to salute our four-legged heroes on March 13\, 2024. It’s a day to reflect on their valor\, remember those that have passed\, and recognize the tireless efforts of active-duty service dogs. \nHow to Get Involved\nWhether you’re a dog lover\, veteran\, or someone who simply respects the profound contributions of these canine companions\, here’s how you can participate: \n\nAttend a Memorial: Many cities host memorial events or services dedicated to fallen K9 heroes.\nSupport K9 Units: Consider donating to organizations that support military and police K9 units.\nEducate Others: Share information about the incredible roles and achievements of service dogs.\nAdopt a Retired Service Dog: Many service dogs seek loving homes post-retirement. This could be an opportunity to give back directly.\n\nHistory of the Event\nFounded by Joe White\, a Vietnam War veteran and K9 handler\, K9 Veterans Day was initiated to commemorate the service and sacrifices of United States military and working dogs. March 13 was chosen because it marks the official establishment of the US Army K9 Corps in 1942. Over the years\, the significance of this day has grown\, bringing attention to the multifaceted roles these dogs play\, both in and out of combat. \nRelevant Hashtags\nSpread the word\, share stories of valor\, or simply show your appreciation using these hashtags: \n\n#K9VeteransDay2024\n#FourLeggedHeroes\n#ServiceDogSalute\n#K9Corps\n#DogsOfValor URL: CATEGORIES:Animal Awareness,Historical Awareness Days,March,US ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240325 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240401 DTSTAMP:20240102T082142 CREATED:20231008T115840Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231008T115840Z SUMMARY:Tick Bite Prevention Week 2024 DESCRIPTION:Tick Bite Prevention Week takes place in March each year. Ticks are small bloodsucking parasites that can carry a whole host of dangerous diseases diseases that can be transmitted to pets and humans. Prevention is the best way to protect your pets and yourself against tick-borne diseases\, such as Lyme disease.\nA few facts about ticks…Ticks are active and looking for something to feed on (you and your pet) as soon as the temperature hits 4C. \nTicks transmit Lyme Disease and many other very serious and deadly illnesses. \nTicks can be tiny (too small to see)\, and they can look like a skin lump on your pet’s body. \nTicks live in wooded areas\, tall grass\, bushes\, or leaves. \nThe awareness color for Lyme Disease is Lime Green. \nPersonalized Cause supports Tick Bite Prevention Week with: \nLime Green Custom Awareness Ribbon for Lyme Disease Awareness\, click here. \nLime Green Awareness Ribbon for Lyme Disease Awareness\, click here. \nLime Green Awareness Wristband for Lyme Disease Awareness\, click here. \nLime Green Fabric Awareness Ribbons for Lyme Disease Awareness\, click here. URL: CATEGORIES:Animal Awareness,Community Awareness,Environmental Awareness,Family Awareness,Health Awareness,March,Pet Awareness Days,UK ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240401 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240601 DTSTAMP:20240102T082142 CREATED:20231008T115952Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231008T115952Z SUMMARY:National Pet Month 2024 DESCRIPTION:#NationalPetMonth: April 1- May 1 2024 \nNational Pet Month (NPM) celebrates and raises awareness of responsible pet ownership through our educational campaigns and resources across our various platforms. NPM celebrates pet ownership\, sharing the many benefits of our cherished companions across the UK. \nWhilst the #NationalPetMonth campaign runs from April to May each year via various media outlets\, the important messages that NPM endorses run all year-round. We continue to develop informative and important content for both experienced and new pet owners alike. \nDuring the campaign month of April to May\, we love to see fundraisers and events in support of the UK’s many phenomenal pet welfare organisations and charities. This can be individual or larger events\, virtual or in-person! URL: CATEGORIES:Animal Awareness,April,Family Awareness,International Awareness,May,Pet Awareness Days,UK ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240425 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240426 DTSTAMP:20240102T082142 CREATED:20231008T120232Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231008T120232Z SUMMARY:World Penguin Day 2024 DESCRIPTION:What better way to celebrate the cuteness of our amazing feathered friends\, than by honouring them with their very own awareness day.\nWorld Penguin Day is celebrated on the 25th April each year\, as this is roughly the date of this amazing creatures annual\, northward migration. \nYou can pay homage to World Penguin Day by finding out more about Protecting Antarctica’s Marine Environment on the Greenpeace website\, or just help to raise awareness for the plight of the Penguin by posting a cute Penguin picture\, or sending a Penguin e card to get people talking . \nYou can also get involved in the chat on Twitter using the hashtag #WorldPenguinDay . URL: CATEGORIES:Animal Awareness,April,Education Awareness,Environmental Awareness,International Awareness ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240504 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240505 DTSTAMP:20240102T082142 CREATED:20231008T120853Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231008T120853Z SUMMARY:Bird Day 2024 DESCRIPTION:There are several ecological observances to honor birds.\nBird Day in the USA\, that falls on May 4\, is one of the oldest observances. Bird Day was established by school superintendent Charles Babcock in Oil City\, Pennsylvania\, in 1894. Babcock intended to advance bird conservation as a moral value\, that is why he introduced the holiday. \nThat year the holiday was celebrated for the first time by the schools of Pennsylvania. Babcock organized a holiday for children that had two main goals: to tell children about the importance of various bird species conservation and improve their environment with bird houses.Babcock’s idea gained nationwide support in the beginning of the 20th century\, and later it made its way to Europe. \nEven today Bird Day is observed in many countries\, but it’s not so popular as National Bird Day\, that falls on January 5. \nThere are other ecological observances to honor birds\, improve and protect their environment. These are International Migratory Bird Day and International Bird Day. URL: CATEGORIES:Animal Awareness,International Awareness,May,US ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240505 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240506 DTSTAMP:20240102T082142 CREATED:20231008T120908Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231008T120908Z SUMMARY:International Dawn Chorus Day 2024 DESCRIPTION:Get into the Rhythm of International Dawn Chorus Day 2024\nInternational Dawn Chorus Day is held on the first Sunday in May each year\, which falls on May 7th in 2024. The event is promoted by the Wildlife Trust and this is the perfect opportunity for nature lovers to gather at dawn in one of the scenic spots in the United Kingdom to listen to the sounds of birds as they sing to great the rising sun. \nThe first Dawn Chorus Day was organised by environmentalist and broadcaster Chris Baines in the 1980s when he held his birthday party 4am so that all of his guests could listen to the dawn chorus together. What began as a small annual event in the city of Birmingham has now spread right across the UK and is even celebrated in parts of Antarctica and the Caribbean. \nIn fact\, more than eighty different countries taken part in International Dawn Chorus Day over the years. This is the perfect opportunity to experience the wonders of nature as they gather to listen to the song of hundreds of birds. \nA wide range of different types of events are set to be held to celebrate International Dawn Chorus Day 2024. In addition to joining scheduled events\, people can also choose to host their own event if they wish. Just make sure that you get up in plenty of time before dawn and choose a spot surrounded by nature so that you will be in the perfect position to great the day and listen to the impressive chorus that accompanies it. URL: CATEGORIES:Animal Awareness,Community Awareness,Education Awareness,Environmental Awareness,Family Awareness,International Awareness,May ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240508 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240509 DTSTAMP:20240102T082142 CREATED:20231008T120923Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231008T120923Z SUMMARY:World Donkey Day 2024 DESCRIPTION:World Donkey Day is held on May 8th every year to honour\n  URL: CATEGORIES:Animal Awareness,International Awareness,May,Pet Awareness Days ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240523 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240524 DTSTAMP:20240102T082142 CREATED:20231008T121208Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231008T121208Z SUMMARY:World Turtle Day 2024 DESCRIPTION:World Turtle Day is an annual event that has been taking place since 2000. It was founded by American Tortoise Rescue.\nThe purpose of World Turtle Day is to educate people about the things that they can do to protect the habitats of turtle and tortoises. It is also a celebration of the joy that these reptiles bring to so many people on a daily basis. \nThe day is celebrated in a number of ways all over the world. There are many people that dress as turtles while others may just decide to wear something green. People also get actively involved in projects that help rescue turtles that may be living in their local area. \nThere are also a number of resources that are made available to schools that teachers can use to create lessons around World Turtle Day. This is an important step in raising awareness in the future generation of the threats that turtles and tortoises face. It is also something that children enjoy getting involved in. \nAmerican Tortoise Rescue (ATR) was founded in 1990 by husband and wife team Susan Tellem and Marshall Thompson. It is a nonprofit organisation that rescues and rehabilitates all species of tortoise and turtle. It also does a lot of work on protecting the environments in which these animals live. They will always try and find new homes for the animals but if this is not possible then they will remain in the care of the ATR. URL: CATEGORIES:Animal Awareness,Education Awareness,Environmental Awareness,International Awareness,May ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240603 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240610 DTSTAMP:20240102T082142 CREATED:20231008T121408Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231218T115747Z SUMMARY:Garden Wildlife Week 2024 DESCRIPTION:Garden Wildlife Week 2024 is running from the 3rd till the 9th of June. \nUK gardens are full of wonder. And we want to celebrate these ecosystems by highlighting the amazing creatures that live in our gardens helping them to flourish. \nSo\, tap into all of the natural goodness that Garden Wildlife Week has to offer. By promoting ways to help preserve and support our well-balanced ecosystem better known as our gardens. \n#GardenWildlifeWeek URL: LOCATION:United Kingdom\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Animal Awareness,Environmental Awareness,June,UK ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: GEO:55.378051;-3.435973 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240604 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240605 DTSTAMP:20240102T082142 CREATED:20231008T121353Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231008T121353Z SUMMARY:Hug Your Cat Day 2024 DESCRIPTION:Hug Your Cat Day is a delightful occasion dedicated to celebrating the special bond between humans and their feline companions. It’s a day to show appreciation for the love\, comfort\, and joy that cats bring into our lives. In this article\, we explore the significance of Hug Your Cat Day 2024 and share ways to express affection and pamper your beloved feline friend. \nWhat is Hug Your Cat Day 2024?\nHug Your Cat Day is a day of affection and cuddles\, devoted to honoring our feline companions and strengthening the bond we share with them. It encourages cat owners and enthusiasts to take a moment to express their love and gratitude for their furry friends through gentle hugs\, petting\, and quality time together. This day celebrates the unique connection between humans and cats and highlights the positive impact they have on our well-being. \nWhen is Hug Your Cat Day 2024?\nHug Your Cat Day is celebrated on June 4th every year.  It’s a purr-fect occasion to shower your cat with love\, attention\, and warm embraces. \nHow can you celebrate Hug Your Cat Day 2024?\nCelebrating Hug Your Cat Day is a wonderful way to show your feline friend how much you care. Here are some delightful ideas to celebrate this special day: \n\nCuddle Sessions: Set aside dedicated time to snuggle up with your cat. Create a cozy spot with blankets and pillows where you both can relax and enjoy some peaceful bonding time. Gently stroke their fur\, whisper soothing words\, and let the warmth of your embrace convey your love and affection.\nPlaytime Extravaganza: Engage your cat in their favorite play activities. Use interactive toys\, feathers\, or laser pointers to stimulate their curiosity and keep them entertained. Playing together not only strengthens your bond but also provides mental and physical stimulation for your furry companion.\nPamper Your Cat: Treat your cat to a spa day! Gently groom their fur\, brush their coat\, and give them a soothing massage. Cats enjoy the sensation of being groomed\, and it helps to maintain their coat’s health and shine. Use this opportunity to check for any signs of discomfort or health issues.\nSurprise Them with Toys or Treats: Spoil your cat with new toys or special treats. Cats love exploring new playthings and savoring delicious treats. Choose toys that cater to their preferences\, such as interactive puzzles or catnip-filled plushies\, and offer them a variety of tasty treats to indulge in.\nCreate a Cat-Friendly Space: Dedicate a corner or a room in your home specifically for your cat. Set up a cozy bed\, scratching post\, and toys to create a safe and stimulating environment. This space allows your cat to retreat\, play\, and relax\, providing them with a sense of security and ownership.\n\nThe Joy of Feline Companionship:\nCats have a unique way of bringing joy\, comfort\, and companionship into our lives. They offer unconditional love\, companionship\, and endless entertainment with their playful antics and purring cuddles. The feline-human bond has been cherished for centuries\, and Hug Your Cat Day is an opportunity to honor and celebrate his extraordinary connection. \nThe celebration of Hug Your Cat Day goes beyond just physical affection. It is also a time to reflect on the positive impact that cats have on our well-being. Numerous studies have shown that interacting with cats can reduce stress\, lower blood pressure\, and improve overall mental health. Their presence in our lives brings a sense of calm and contentment\, providing us with a constant source of love and companionship. URL: CATEGORIES:Animal Awareness,Family Awareness,International Awareness,June,Pet Awareness Days ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240608 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240609 DTSTAMP:20240102T082142 CREATED:20231008T121438Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231008T121438Z SUMMARY:World Oceans Day 2024 DESCRIPTION:World Oceans Day is held every year on 8th June to raise awareness of the vital importance of our oceans and the role they play in sustaining a healthy planet. A global celebration\, it looks to bring people and organisations together across the globe in a series of events highlighting how we can all help protect and conserve the oceans.\nOn World Oceans Day\, people around our blue planet celebrate and honor our ocean\, which connects us all. Get together with your family\, friends\, community\, and millions of others around our blue planet to start creating a better future. \nBy working together\, we can — and will — protect and restore our shared ocean. Join this growing global celebration on 8 June with continuing engagement year-round! \nOriginally an idea put forward by the Canadian Government at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio\, World Oceans Day has been organised by the Ocean Project group since 2002. In 2008 the day gained official recognition from the UN General Assembly\, a boost in raising the profile of the day and its goals. The number of countries and organisations who mark World Oceans Day grows each year in recognition of the importance of oceans worldwide. \nIn previous years World Oceans Day has aimed to focus attention on the scourge of plastic pollution in our oceans. Free resources were available to download to help illustrate the many problems surrounding plastic pollution\, plus ideas and tips on how to raise awareness of the subject at your events. From film screenings to art\, beach cleans to festivals\, events across the world were held to mark the day. \nFind an event near you by using the World Oceans Day website event finder and get involved in helping to protect our blue planet. The oceans provide food\, generate oxygen\, regulate our climate and so much more. This global celebration recognises the importance of preserving healthy oceans. URL: CATEGORIES:Animal Awareness,Education Awareness,Environmental Awareness,International Awareness,June,Travel Awareness Days ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240615 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240622 DTSTAMP:20240102T082142 CREATED:20231008T121724Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231008T121724Z SUMMARY:Rabbit Awareness Week 2024 DESCRIPTION:Head to the Rabbit Awareness Week website to find out how you can get involved in Rabbit Awareness Week 2024. \nRAAG brings together the expertise of the RAW partners who have successfully campaigned to improve the welfare of pet rabbits for the past 17 years. \nLed by Burgess Pet Care\, the RAAG comprises the RSPCA\, Rabbit Welfare Association & Fund (RWAF)\, Wood Green The Animals Charity\, PDSA and Blue Cross. \nThe Rabbit Awareness Action Group (RAAG) is the trusted voice for rabbit welfare\, which draws on the combined knowledge of a coalition of experts who have\, for the past 17 years\, campaigned effectively through Rabbit Awareness Week (RAW) to improve the lives of pet rabbits. \nThe formation of the RAAG reflects the need to establish an on-going dialogue that ensures rabbit welfare remains high on the agenda year-round. Members of the RAAG are committed to raising awareness of the five key welfare needs of pet rabbits among owners\, particularly in light of the recent launch of the first Good Practice Code for Rabbit Welfare. \nRecognising that rabbits are one of the UK’s most owned\, but least understood\, animals\, the RAAG is determined to build on the profound and positive campaigning\, which 15 years of RAW has already achieved. Recent RAW campaigns include ‘Move Away from Muesli’\, to highlight the health risks associated with muesli-style diets\, which has resulted in fewer rabbits being fed muesli as one of their main food types – down from 49% in 2011 to 18% in 2020. This\, along with other key campaigns\, will be a key focus for the RAAG over the coming years\, helping to ensure that the UK’s pet rabbits are able to lead happy and healthy lives. URL: CATEGORIES:Animal Awareness,June,Pet Awareness Days,UK ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240621 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240622 DTSTAMP:20240102T082142 CREATED:20231008T121708Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231008T121708Z SUMMARY:Bring Your Dog To Work Day 2024 DESCRIPTION:As well as raising funds for a great cause\, Bring Your Dog to Work Day could have some positive benefits for employee productivity and wellbeing. Above all\, the day promises to be a lot of fun for all those involved. It’s time to give your dog a job!\nMany scientific studies have concluded that the presence of pets can substantially reduce a person’s stress level in the workplace. Increased job satisfaction\, team co-operation and morale have all been reported in employees that spend the workday with their pets. Since 2014\, the year we established Bring Your Dog To Work Day\, we have witnessed a growing number of businesses across the UK that allow dogs in the workplace. \nSo in addition to raising funds\, Bring Your Dog To Work Day is likely to boost the productivity and happiness of the employees within your company. And it means hundreds if not thousands of pets around the UK can now go to work alongside their humans! URL: CATEGORIES:Animal Awareness,Corporate Awareness Days,Family Awareness,International Awareness,June ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240625 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240626 DTSTAMP:20240102T082142 CREATED:20231008T121708Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231008T121708Z SUMMARY:World Sand Dune Day 2024 DESCRIPTION:A World Sand Dune Day is being setup to highlight the importance of sand dunes.\nHealthy dunes provide habitats for a wealth of rare and specialised wildlife. These include a range of wildflowers\, bryophytes\, invertebrates and insects who require bare sand habitat to survive.Coastal sand dunes are also beautiful and important landscapes for communities\, both as recreational spaces allowing personal connection with nature\, and as places filled with cultural heritage and celebrated sites of historic renown. \nOver the last 80 years\, open sand has largely disappeared from UK sand dunes\, being replaced by dense grass and scrub. This change has been caused by factors such as the introduction of non-native plants\, lower levels of grazing\, climate change and air pollution. As the dunes have become more stable and overgrown\, rare wildlife has declined. \nThe day is being set up by the Twyni Byw-Sands of LIFE and Dynamic Dunescapes projects. These are two projects working to protect sand dunes and the wildlife that depends upon them. Events are still currently at planning stage\, but you can keep in touch by visiting their twitter accounts: @TwyniByw and @DynamicDunes. The hashtag for the day will be #WorldSandDuneDay. \nSands of LIFE (LIFE17 NAT/UK/000023) is a major conservation project to revitalise sand dunes across Wales. It will recreate natural movement in the dunes and rejuvenate habitats which are home to some of our rarest wildlife. The £4 million project\, led by Natural Resources Wales (NRW)\, will restore over 2400 hectares of sand dunes\, across four Special Areas of Conservation\, on 10 separate Welsh sites. The project has received 75% funding from the LIFE Programme of the European Union\, with the Welsh Government providing 25% match funding. \nDynamic Dunescapes (HG-16-08643; LIFE17 NAT/UK/000570-DuneLIFE) is a partnership project rejuvenating sand dunes in England and Wales. Project partners are Natural England\, Plantlife\, Natural Resources Wales\, National Trust and The Wildlife Trusts. The project is funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and the EU LIFE Programme. For more information visit URL: CATEGORIES:Animal Awareness,Community Awareness,Education Awareness,Environmental Awareness,International Awareness,June ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240701 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240708 DTSTAMP:20240102T082142 CREATED:20231008T121823Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231008T121823Z SUMMARY:Clean Beaches Week 2024 DESCRIPTION:An initiative established by The Clean Beaches Coalition\, Clean Beaches week is celebrated annually from July 1st – July 7th. With so much media attention focussing on the effects of our waste on marine life\, the oceans and our coastal landscape this is an excellent opportunity to be proactive and attempt to address a small part of the overall problem while raising awareness of a much larger global challenge. \nIn 2007 the United States Senate and House of Representatives passed the National Clean Beaches Week Resolution by unanimous consent. \nKnown as the Earth Day for beaches\, hundreds of events are organized locally on beaches around the USA and include beach clean ups\, art fairs\, seafood festivals and other educational events aiming to raise awareness about respecting the beach and surrounding environment. \nThe coalition has set 7 simple reminders for those using the beach which they hope will assist the preservation of the beaches as well as protect people from the natural hazards that can occur at the shore. \n1. Leave no trace (what you carry in\, carry out) \n2. Move your body (walk\, run or swim) \n3. Don’t tread the dunes (use a walkover or walk-thru) \n4. Know your limits (swim\, surf and boat safely) \n5. You are what you eat (eat healthy seafood) \n6. Feed your mind. (read a book) \n7. Respect the Ocean (riptides\, storms\, natural resources) \nThe Clean Beaches Coalition also certifies beaches across the USA\, some of which are included in the annual USA Today Listing of the 10Best Beaches. A panel of beach experts along with 10Best contributors picked the shortlist with the top 10 winners chosen by popular vote. \nThe 4th of July is the biggest day for beach visits in the USA\, so why not go along and offer a helping hand and don’t forget the 7 Principles! URL: CATEGORIES:Animal Awareness,Community Awareness,Environmental Awareness,Health Awareness,July,Safety Awareness,Travel Awareness Days,US ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240701 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240801 DTSTAMP:20240102T082142 CREATED:20231008T121854Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231008T121854Z SUMMARY:SPANA's World Tea Party 2024 DESCRIPTION:You can raise funds for sick and injured working animals this summer by hosting a SPANA World Tea Party. \nThere’s a special free pack available to download for everyone taking part that includes top tips on how to make your party a success. \nThe pack includes invites\, bunting\, party games\, along with a number of delicious recipe ideas. You can also order your free pack by post. \nPick your theme\nDiscover delicious recipes and learn more about the important cultural role tea and coffee play around the world. Explore the party themes below from some of SPANA’s core countries of work. URL: CATEGORIES:Animal Awareness,Community Awareness,Education Awareness,International Awareness,July ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240727 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240812 DTSTAMP:20240102T082142 CREATED:20231008T121938Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231008T121938Z SUMMARY:National Marine Week 2024 DESCRIPTION:Running from the 22nd of July to the 6th of August\, to take advantage of the tides\, National Marine Week is a chance to celebrate the wonderful wildlife found in the seas around the UK\, and our relationship with this incredible habitat that surrounds us. \nWildlife Trusts around the UK will be holding sea-themed events\, from snorkelling through the waters of Wembury Bay in Devon\, to exploring the rockpools of Yorkshire’s Boggle Hole on a seashore safari\, or even picnicking with a porpoise on the clifftops of North Wales. \nNo matter where you are in the UK\, there’s plenty to celebrate: our seas are home to over half of all our wildlife (more than 30\,000 species)\, contribute to flood management and water purification\, and provide the oxygen for every other breath you take! \nAnd remember\, in the UK you’re never more than 70 miles from the sea. \nLearn more about events and how you can get involved on our National Marine Week page. URL: CATEGORIES:Animal Awareness,August,Community Awareness,Education Awareness,Environmental Awareness,Family Awareness,July,UK ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240729 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240730 DTSTAMP:20240102T082142 CREATED:20231008T122023Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231008T122023Z SUMMARY:International Tiger Day 2024 DESCRIPTION:International Tiger Day has been held on the 29th July every year since 2010 when it was first created at the Saint Petersburg Tiger Summit. This was done to raise awareness of the decline of wild tiger numbers\, leaving them on the brink of extinction and to encourage the celebration around the important work of Tiger conservation. \nMany well known animal organisations such as the WWF\, the IFAW and the Smithsonian Institute get behind this event. You can get involved in the conversation around this important day on Twitter using the hashtag #WorldTigerDay or #InternationalTigerDay . URL: CATEGORIES:Animal Awareness,Education Awareness,Environmental Awareness,International Awareness,July ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240808 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240809 DTSTAMP:20240102T082142 CREATED:20231008T122123Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231008T122123Z SUMMARY:International Cat Day 2024 DESCRIPTION:August the 8th is International Cat Day\, and it’s not hard to see why our little feline friends hold such a special place in our affections. \nFunny cat videos\, memes and cute pictures of cats are some of the most viewed content online\, which just confirms our obsession with the furry things. While research shows that watching funny cat videos online can boost a person’s energy and create positive emotions\, according to the experts owning a cat can also be good for your heart. Petting a cat is said to reduce stress levels\, and with people having such hectic lives\, they can be an easier and less demanding choice of pet than owning a dog. \nIf you ask me i’d say that cats have more than earned their extra treats and cuddles this International Cat Day\, so go on\, show your appreciation to that moggy in your life or buy that extra pack of cat food at the shops to donate to your local rescue centre as a little thanks to our four legged pals! URL: CATEGORIES:Animal Awareness,August,International Awareness,Pet Awareness Days ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240822 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240823 DTSTAMP:20240102T082142 CREATED:20231008T122208Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231008T122208Z SUMMARY:National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day 2024 DESCRIPTION:As humans \, we tend to take our health pretty seriously. But when was the last time you took your cat for a general check up? If the answer is ‘you can’t remember’ then use today as a gentle reminder to get your feline friend booked in for a health check. National Take Your Cat To The Vet Day on August 22nd is the day used to remind cat owners to pay a visit to the Vets. \nAmerican Veterinary Medical Association have over the years established numerous pet health awareness events\, that encourage pet owners to visit the vet. While you may think that your pet cat is at pretty low risk of picking up illnesses\, they can often become infected with dangerous diseases from stray cats\, found roaming the streets. \nWhile keeping your pussy inside is likely to protect your him or her from danger\, you can bring a virus or helminth eggs on your shoes. There are also many common illnesses that cats can develop and that can go unnoticed for a period of time. We know how well loved and cared for your pets are\, but nevertheless\, don’t waste time and take your cat to the vet to find out\, if your pet is in a good health condition. And then give them a special treat for the upheaval! URL: CATEGORIES:Animal Awareness,August,Family Awareness,International Awareness,Pet Awareness Days,US ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240826 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240827 DTSTAMP:20240102T082142 CREATED:20231008T122223Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231008T122223Z SUMMARY:National Dog Day 2024 DESCRIPTION:National Dog Day is an annual event celebrated on August 26. \nNational Dog Day was established in 2004 by animal advocate & pet and family lifestyle expert Coleen Paige. The aim of the awareness day is to raise awareness about the number of dogs that are currently in rescue centres and encourage the adoption of these animals. \nSadly\, each year\, millions of dogs become homeless because they are unwanted or their owners are unable to care for them. National Dog Day aims to encourage people to adopt dogs from shelters and rescue organisations. \nLife in lockdown has not only allowed us to spend more quality time at home with our families (of the human kind)\, but also with our pets too! Whether your pet has become your new working from home buddy\, or they’ve just been there keeping your spirits up…this precious time has given us the opportunity to witness all their cute quirks and funny personalities more than ever! \nWith this in mind\, to celebrate National Dog Day\, Safestyle previously launched a nationwide #DoginWindow photo competition to tie in with this special day. Find out more here. URL: CATEGORIES:Animal Awareness,August,Community Awareness,Pet Awareness Days,US ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241005 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20241006 DTSTAMP:20240102T082142 CREATED:20231008T123319Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231008T123319Z SUMMARY:National Badger Day 2024 DESCRIPTION:National Badger Day is a special occasion that shines a spotlight on one of nature’s most iconic creatures\, the badger. This day celebrates the beauty\, significance\, and the need for conservation efforts to protect these elusive mammals. As National Badger Day 2024 approaches\, let’s explore the importance of this day\, its historical background\, and ways in which you can join in the celebration and conservation of badgers. \nWhat is National Badger Day 2024?\nNational Badger Day 2024 is a day dedicated to raising awareness about badgers and their crucial role in our ecosystem. It aims to promote the conservation of these fascinating animals and their habitats. Badgers are known for their distinctive black and white markings and are an integral part of our natural heritage. \nWhen is National Badger Day 2024?\nNational Badger Day is celebrated annually on October 6th. In 2024\, this day falls on a Friday\, providing an excellent opportunity for individuals\, wildlife enthusiasts\, and conservationists to engage in activities that support badger conservation. \nHow to get involved with National Badger Day 2024?\nParticipating in National Badger Day can be a meaningful way to contribute to the protection of these iconic animals. Here are some suggestions on how to get involved: \n\nLearn About Badgers: Take the time to research and educate yourself about badgers\, their behavior\, and their significance in the ecosystem.\nSupport Badger Conservation Organizations: Consider donating to or volunteering with organizations dedicated to badger conservation.\nParticipate in Local Events: Look for local events\, talks\, or workshops related to badgers and their conservation efforts.\nCreate Awareness: Use social media to share facts and information about badgers\, raising awareness about the challenges they face.\nSupport Habitat Protection: Advocate for the preservation of natural habitats and green spaces where badgers reside.\nReport Badger Activity: If you spot badgers or signs of their presence\, report your observations to local wildlife authorities to contribute to their research.\nParticipate in Badger Surveys: Join local initiatives that conduct badger surveys to monitor and protect their populations.\n\nHistory of National Badger Day\nThe history of National Badger Day is rooted in the ongoing efforts to protect and conserve badgers in the United Kingdom and beyond. Badgers have faced threats such as habitat loss and persecution\, making it crucial to raise awareness and support their conservation. \nNational Badger Day serves as a platform to celebrate these enigmatic creatures and promote their well-being. It also provides an opportunity for individuals and organizations to collaborate in ensuring a brighter future for badgers and the ecosystems they inhabit. URL: CATEGORIES:Animal Awareness,Education Awareness,Environmental Awareness,October ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR