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General 6 mins Nov 08, 2018
Good Advertising: What's SSL?

Lately we’ve been getting lots of questions about what exactly SSL is, and how to turn it on for AdButler. I figured we’d get some easy info out there.

General 6 mins Nov 08, 2018
Should You Consider a Direct Sales Approach?

Direct ad sales are still an important aspect of creating a healthy revenue stream for your website and for building valuable advertising relationships.

General 3 mins Oct 26, 2018
3 minutes to understand the difference between Client-side and Server-side Header-bidding!

This article presents the differences between the two main header bidding methodologies, Client-side bidding and server-side bidding. Continue reading to discover the pros and cons of each method for publishers!

General 5 mins Oct 18, 2018
A 4-step guide to improving your Brand-safety online

2017 was a particularly eventful year for advertisers and publishers alike. After events of the magnitude of Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica Scandal or YouTube’s Ad-pocalypse,

General 5 mins Oct 01, 2018
The ultimate guide to maximizing your revenue as a publisher!

Learn how you can use Header bidding, Native Advertising Anti-Ad-Blockers and your primary data in order to increase your revenue as a publisher!

General 5 mins Aug 20, 2018
What Are Native Ads And How Can You Use Them?

31% of consumers surveyed said they are more likely to buy from a brand after seeing native ads. We'll show you how to get started with AdButler.

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