New Monetization Opportunities To Brighten March 🌞💰
Spring is finally here! 🌷
Longer days mean more time, energy, and opportunities to monetize your web properties - and there are some exciting new platform announcements to help you do just that.

For starters, AdButler has recently launched a new early access program for our upcoming Contextual Management Solution.
Be among the first to add this versatile management tool to your AdButler tool kit today:

AdButler has also made our new Partnership Program available for public interest.
Think your business would benefit from up-selling, cross-selling, or collaborating with AdButler? Visit our new partnership page to learn more and get in touch with the team:

We’re pleased to announce our latest partnership through the program with SoCast Digital, a content management solution dedicated to serving the radio sector.
As always, a few other updates have also sprung to life across the system.
Take a look for yourself!
Feature Updates:
🌷 Some fresh new feature updates have popped up on the platform:
- UI Update: Advertiser Table converted to Vue.
- UI Update: Programmatic reports converted to Vue.
- A new version of the AdButler WordPress plugin (version 1.29) has been released with SSL enforced, among other changes.
Want to learn more about these features? Contact our support team.
Custom Solutions:
🌷 These custom solutions may help some budding new ideas spring to mind:
- Implementing custom ad unit types: "Film Strip" and "Side Door" style ad displays.
- Adding a "Preview" button for VAST/Audio ads at the Zone level.
- Making email zone columns and information setup similar to standard zones.
Would these features or similar ones help you to lift your revenue? Contact us and let's talk!
Bug Fixes:
🌷 Spring breezes have blown away 26 software bugs since our last update, with the most notable bug fixes including:
- Fixed Manager level accounts not being able to assign PMP deals to Zones.
- Fixed the ability to copy VAST channels.
- Fixed ImprovedDigital demand partner OpenRTB requests not working properly.
- Fixed Active Ads report not being able to be viewed properly.
- Fixed custom report hyperlinks sent via email not displaying data properly.
New Blog:
🌷 If you haven’t tapped into digital audio advertising, you may be missing out on a lucrative revenue stream. This new blog sheds some sunlight on audio advertising opportunities:

Help Resource Updates:
🌷 The support team has been tending to our diverse garden of help resources, with a variety of improvements made to make it easier to grow your knowledge of the platform:
- Our API docs section has received a complete structural & visual overhaul to make it easier than ever to find the resources you’re looking for.
- Created a new article for new users about the AdButler user interface.
- Created a new article on testing VAST zone tags.
- Updated an article on App.js events.
- Updated an article on obtaining manual tracking pixel links.
- Updated an article on making batched ad requests.
That’s it for this month’s refreshing update!
There are quite a few new software improvements in the pipeline, and we’re eager to share them with you as soon as they become available a bit later this season.
Until then, enjoy the longer days, warmer weather, and we hope you have a sunny start to your spring! 🌞