Advanced macro glossary

AdButler supports a wide variety of macros that are useful for passing targeting information to ad networks and RTB integrations.

Macro: Used internally in AdButler when implementing tags. Macros are placed in the Custom HTML / third party script body, Destination URLs, or Tracking URLs.

Parameter: These are used by passing them to an AdButler request, either directly through the requesting URL or via a custom field in the Asynchronous JavaScript zone tag.


Advertising ID

Fills in the device's Advertising ID.

Macros Parameter Example
[ADVERTISING_ID] [ADVERTISING_ID_ENCODED] aduid 96bd03b6-defc-4203-83d3-dc1c730801f7

Application Bundle / Package Name

Fills in the application's bundle name or package name (depending on the device/OS).

Macros Parameter Example

App Domain

Fills in the app's domain; used with the AdButler mobile SDK.

Macro Parameter Example
[APP_DOMAIN] [APP_DOMAIN_ENCODED] Sent by the SDK; can be manually overriden using appdomain

Application Name

Fills in the application's name.

Macros Parameter Example
[APP_NAME] [APP_NAME_ENCODED] appname Google Play Music

App Store URL

Fills in the URL to the app's page in the Google Play or Apple App store.

Macros Parameter Example

App Version

Fills in the app's version number; used with the AdButler mobile SDK.

Macro Parameter Example
[APP_VERSION] [APP_VERSION_ENCODED] Sent by the SDK; can be manually overriden using appversion 1.0.0

Carrier Code

Fills in the code of the device's SIM's operator.

Macro Parameter Example
[CARRIER_CODE] carriercode 412 20

Carrier Country

Fills in the country code of the device's SIM's operator.

Macros Parameter Example

Carrier Name

Fills in the name of the device's SIM's operator.

Macros Parameter Example

Fills in the TCF-compliant GDPR consent string.

Macro Parameter Example
[CONSENT] gdpr_consent_string BOeLqXmOeLqXmAtABBENCL-AAAAmB7_______9______5uz_Ov_v_f__33e8__9v_l_7_-__u-33d4-_1vf99yfm1-7ftr3tp_87ues2_Xur__59__3z3_9phPrsks9Kg

COPPA Compliance

A flag that indicates if the app is COPPA-compliant.

Macro Parameter Example

Custom Parameter

Lets you add and fill in your own parameter. You can have up to five custom parameters.

Macros Parameter Example
[CUSTOM_PARAM1] to [CUSTOM_PARAM5] customParam1 to customParam5 xmaspromo23

Device Make

Fills in the device manufacturer.

Macros Parameter Example

Device Model

Fills in the model number.

Macros Parameter Example

Device Type

Fills in the device type if applicable.

Macros Parameter Example
[DEVICE_TYPE] [DEVICE_TYPE_ENCODED] dvtype phone/tablet

Do Not Track

A flag that indicates whether the user's data should be tracked or not (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled).

Macro Parameter Example
[DO_NOT_TRACK] dnt 0

GDPR Applies

A flag that indicates whether GDPR applies to the user or not (1 = yes, 0 = no, Empty = unknown).

Macro Parameter Example
[GDPR] gdpr_applies 1

IP Address

Fills in the user's IP address.

Macro Parameter Example
[IP_ADDRESS] [IP_ADDRESS_ENCODED] Set by the user's IP address; can be manually overriden using ip


Fills in the user's language setting.

Macros Parameter Example


Fills in the device's current latitude.

Macro Parameter Example
[LATITUDE] lat 48.424497

Lazy Loading Mode

Sets the lazy loading mode: auto, eager, or lazy. This macro maps directly to the value of the loading attribute on images or iframes.

It works in conjunction with the [ZONE_ABOVE_THE_FOLD] macro's input parameter, atf. When set to auto, then lazy loading method is determined by the value of atf, where atf=0 sets loading to lazy and atf=1 sets loading to eager.

Macros Parameter Example
[LAZY_LOADING_MODE] llmode auto


Fills in the device's current longitude.

Macro Parameter Example
[LONGITUDE] long -123.369506

Network Connection Type

Fills in the device's current connection type: WIFI, 2G, 3G, or 4G.

Macro Parameter Example

Operating System

Fills in the name of the device's operating system.

Macros Parameter Example

Operating System Version

Fills in the version number of the device's operating system.

Macros Parameter Example

Referring URL

Fills in the website's URL, or at least its domain.

Macros Parameter Example
[REFERRING_URL] [REFERRING_URL_ENCODED] Set by the browser's referrer header; can be manually overriden using referrer

Device Screen Density

Fills in the pixel density of the device's screen.

Macro Parameter Example

Device Screen Height

Fills in the height of the device's screen (absolute, in pixels).

Macro Parameter Example

Device Screen Width

Fills in the width of the device's screen (absolute, in pixels).

Macro Parameter Example

User Age

Fills in the user's age in years.

Macro Parameter Example
[USER_AGE] age 24

User Agent

Fills in the browser's user agent string.

Macros Parameter Example
[USER_AGENT] [USER_AGENT_ENCODED] Set by the browser's user agent request header, can be manually overriden using ua Mozilla/5.0 (platform; rv:geckoversion) Gecko/geckotrail Firefox/firefoxversion

User Gender

Fills in the user's gender (male or female).

Macro Parameter Example
[USER_GENDER] gender female

User Year of Birth

Fills in the user's year of birth.

Macro Parameter Example

US Privacy (CCPA)

Fills in the string that indicates the user's privacy selection under CCPA.

Macro Parameter Example
[US_PRIVACY] us_privacy 1YNN

Zone Above the Fold

Sets the value of the [LAZY_LOADING_MODE] macro's input parameter, llmode, when lazy loading is set to auto. Possible values are 0 or 1.

A value of 0 indicates that the zone is below the fold (i.e. below the visible area of the page), while a value of 1 indicates that the zone is above the fold (i.e. within the visible area of the page).

Macros Parameter Example

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