How to bulk edit weight
You can edit the weight (and other properties) of a placement by going to the relevant campaign's section (Your AdButler > Advertisers > Your Advertiser > Your Campaign) and clicking on the name of the zone or channel to which the campaign is assigned.
But you can also quickly edit the weight of multiple placements and assignments in standard campaigns that are under the same advertiser.
Go to the relevant advertiser's section (Your AdButler > Advertisers > Your Advertiser).
Tick the checkboxes next to the relevant standard campaigns then click Edit. The Edit Selected Campaigns window will appear.
- Click Weights, then choose whether you want to edit weights on a campaign level or at the ad item level.
Campaign - Apply the same weight to ALL of the campaign's placements (i.e. the zone and channel assignments) and assignments (i.e. the ad items in the campaign).
Ad items - Edit the weight of only the assigned ad items in the selected campaigns.
- Set the new weights then click Edit Weights to save your changes.