Year wrap updates - 2023
As the holiday season casts its sweet shadow, we want to unveil our Year Wrap Updates for 2023, offering a glimmer of innovation amid the end-of-year introspection. We've diligently worked on new system enhancements, developed pioneering solutions, streamlined critical bug fixes, and added some help documentation, all tailored to optimize your ad tech experience.
These updates represent not just technical advancements but also a commitment to our community of publishers and advertisers, ensuring a more effective and user-friendly environment in the ever-evolving world of digital advertising.
Moreover, we also invite you to join our community groups to share insights, gather fresh ideas, and connect with both our team and an engaging network of peers.
Together, let's navigate the melancholy hues of the holiday season with a sense of achievement and anticipation, celebrating the successes of 2023 and eagerly awaiting the innovations that lie ahead with AdButler's Year Wrap Updates.
Platform & Feature Updates
🌟 We’ve launched new system updates aimed at improving our platform every month:
- Self Serve: Hide Adbutler Logo for custom domains accounts
- Contracts: Ability to Archive and Delete Contracts
- Programmatic: Xandr Demand Connection Updates
- ProductDB: Click Performance Improvements
- ProductDB: Smooth Delivery improvements when CPC is variable
- ProductDB: Bulk Publisher Source Creation
- ProductDB: Catalog item and Campaign Status Endpoints
- ProductDB: Toggle in Campaign Creation to enable productDB.
- ProductDB: Catalog Ad Item support
- Email: Native Ads Support
- Native Ads: Allow Template Variables Reordering
- API: API endpoint for Live Website Preview
- Users: Added Created by field and CSV Download to user accounts page
- Settings: New Permission toggle for Native ad templates
- Settings: Improve Manager Permissions to allow deleting Advertisers
- Channels: New Impression quota Column under Assigned Campaigns Table
- UI: Advertiser Page overhaul
- UI: Publisher Page overhaul
- UI: Data Keys Character limit increased
Need further assistance about any of the listed above? Reach out here: Contact Support.
Custom solutions
🌟 Making custom solutions into a reality for people excites our team! Here are some fresh new ideas that companies have implemented to give their ad serving a boost:
In the self serve platform we have allowed the advertiser to set a Post Payment Max Limit. - Self Serve - Allow Advertiser to set a Post Payment Max Limit - Self Serve - Allow Adding Products to existing Campaigns - Self Serve - Add min_cpc & max_cpc values in Reports - Self Serve - Add search for Self-Serve campaign Ad Items - Self Serve - Add sku and Ad request search term to Event Logs - Self Serve - Custom Manual Click event API - Self Serve - Provide Advertiser's max bid per SKU - Self Serve - Email to advertiser when they've hit their post payment monthly limit - Self Serve - Custom 'Click Through Details' report with additional fields required - Self Serve - Add 'Download last week' button for Click Through Details report - Self Serve - Field on the advertiser account to input account manager so they can receive all emails advertiser receive - Self Serve - Email to advertiser when they've hit their daily budget - Self Serve - Manual impression count endpoint - Self Serve - Extend response data for Self Serve Reports API, including full ad-item breakdown - Self Serve - Add Daily Budget column to existing campaign report - Reporting - 2 Custom Fields for Event Logs - Reporting - Daily and Monthly Unique Impressions Report - Reporting - Custom Report that shows zones with 0 Impressions - Reporting - Extra Data to Click Details API Report
Would these features or similar ones help you to lift your revenue? Contact us and let’s talk!
Note: Custom solutions are available only for the customers who have requested them. Kindly contact us if you have any custom needs.
Bug Fixes
🌟 Based on feedback and internal review, the team has fixed more than 35 outstanding bugs since our last update. The most notable bug fixes include:
- Ad Item weight doesn’t change when using ad item level scheduling
- Geo targeting info still showing when feature is disabled
- Click Quota not deducting
- Changing Data Keys Target from a duplicated ad item also affects the original ad item target
- Auto-Refresh iFrame No JS Not Carrying Over Data Keys or Keywords
- Archived campaign banners don't load metadata
- Contextual info missing in Event Logs
- Unable to Adjust the Weight of the campaign in the zone when using Ad Item Level scheduling
- Roadblock tags aren't saving
- VAST Campaign Duplication issue
- Hide Media Library and assets for Users that don't have access to the Media Library
- Campaign Edit Properties Not saving any change
- Campaign status showing as active for completed campaigns (Native only)
🌟 We’re pleased to report that AdButler is operating better than ever:
We are progressively upgrading and replacing aging infrastructure to maintain the best performance possible across our network
Help document updates
🌟 AdButler has some really exciting, help document updates for our customers. These include proper updates and support while adding new functionalities:
- New How to log into your AdButler sandbox account
- Updates to all native ad templates Guides based on new Template Variables UI
- Update to Audience Doc about Passing uid through async tags
- Improved descriptions for macro/params: How to use custom click parameters
- Improved 3 help docs about the Advertisers based on new UI
- Improved Channels doc based on new UI
- Added instructions for email zones: Data keys
- New API docs: Contracts endpoint
- New How to use UserDB and Audiences via API
- Updated Self-Serve Publisher Portal UI & Settings
- Undocumented macros: Advanced macro glossary
- Updated Contracts Help Doc based on new UI
- Note about Multiple tracking pixels allowed in email ad items
- Added element IDs (SetID, bannerID, advID, etc.) in 3 help docs
That’s all from us for this year. We extend our warm holiday wishes to all our valued partners, clients, and the entire ad tech community. May this festive season bring you joy, peace, and a renewed sense of inspiration.
Happy holidays and a prosperous New Year from all of us at AdButler!