Publisher and advertiser statistics

The Publisher and Advertiser sub-sections of the Statistics section can show metrics such as impressions, clicks, clickthrough rate, and conversions. There's also a report called the Geo Country Breakdown that shows you the location of viewers by country based on their IP addresses.

For each publisher account, you can drill down and view data about individual zones. Similarly, for each advertiser account, you can choose to view data about individual campaigns, as well as the ad items in each campaign.

Most reports have a dropdown menu at the top that lets you view data from different periods. Beside the menu is a button to download the displayed report as a CSV file.

The Publisher and Advertiser subsections in the Statistics section

Publisher overview

You can access this by going to Statistics > Publisher > Your Publisher.

Clicking on a publisher's name will give you the overall statistics for that publisher for the last 14 days: Impressions (Total, Eligible, and Viewable), Clickthrough Rate, Clicks, and Conversions. If you specified CPM, CPC, and CPA values for that publisher, you will also see the eCPM, eCPC, eCPC, and Revenue values for the chosen period.

Zone statistics

You can access this by going to Statistics > Publisher > Your Publisher > Your Zone.

Click on a publisher to view a list of the zones in that publisher, then click on a zone's name to view the reports available for that zone: Campaign Summary, Forecast, Ad Item Summary, and individual ad item reports (denoted by a flag icon).

Advertiser overview

You can access this by going to Statistics > Advertiser > Your Advertiser.

Clicking on an advertiser's name will give you the overall statistics for that advertiser. It shows the impressions for all the campaigns in that advertiser for the last 14 days.

Campaign statistics

You can access this by going to Statistics > Advertiser > Your Advertiser > Your Campaign.

Click on an advertiser to view a list of the campaigns in that publisher, then click on a campaign's name to view the reports available for that campaign: Ad Item Summary and individual ad item reports (denoted by a flag icon).

Summary Reports

The Campaign Summary, Ad Item Summary, and the individual ad item statistics (denoted by a flag icon) are all similar to the Publisher overview, except these reports are limited to the selected campaign or ad item, respectively.

Detailed Reports

You must add the Enhanced Analytics add-on to your subscription to access the following reports. For information on adding add-ons, read How to change your subscription.

The following reports are available for both publishers and advertisers:

  • Click-Through Details - This report shows date and location information for the last 500 clicks. You can filter the report based on zone, ad, or campaign.
  • Unique Click-Through Details - This report shows the last 500 unique viewers that clicked on your ads based on their IP addresses, as well as the total number of clicks per viewer.
  • Conversion Details - Similar to Click-Through Details, this report shows date and location information for conversions.
  • Geo Country Breakdown - This report gives you an overview of your ads' impressions, requests, and unfulfilled requests by country.

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