Zone tag overview

A zone tag is a snippet of code meant to be placed on a publisher's website. It tells AdButler to serve ads to that particular placement whenever a visitor loads the publisher's page on their device.

If you are responsible for managing your publisher's AdButler setup, you need to send each zone's zone tag to your publisher so that they can add them to their website's code. Alternatively, you can create a user login for your publisher and grant them permission to login and retrieve the zone tags themselves. For more information, read Creating a user login for your Publisher.

How to generate zone tags

  1. Go to the section of the relevant zone (Your AdButler > Publishers > Your Publisher > Your Zone).
  2. Click Get Zone Tags/JSON Ad API on the right menu. The Zone Tags window will appear.

The Get Zone Tags button in AdButler

  1. Configure the zone tag as needed.

The Zone Tags window in AdButler

  1. Copy the zone tag.
If you make any changes to your zone tag settings, copy the latest zone tag and send it to your publisher immediately. The existing tag may no longer function properly after you make changes.
For more information on zone tags and which type of zone tag is best for your setup, read Types of zone tags.

Zone tag settings

Type The method you want to use to deliver ads to this zone. Different zone tags are needed depending on the situation. For more information, read Types of zone tags.
Protocol Set whether the tag generated is secure or non-secure. Unless you are using a custom domain, we recommend using secure tags.
Include Fall-Back Allows you to include a fall-back static image in case the website visitor disables JavaScript in their browser. Impressions on fall-back images may not be tracked properly.
Click Macro If you're distributing your tags through a third party and they want to track clicks, place their click tracking macro here.
Extra Data Any extra functions that you wish to include in the destination URL of the ad item. The data entered here will replace the [EXTRA_CLICK_DATA] macro.

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