Types of campaigns

AdButler has two types of campaigns. Once you have created a campaign, you can assign it to a zone or a channel to serve the ads in the campaign.

Standard Campaigns

Standard campaigns can be assigned to Standard ad zones and Email ad zones. You can assign any number or combination of image and HTML5/Rich media ad items to a standard campaign.

You can also use standard campaigns to implement roadblocks, which let you exclusively serve only certain ads on all the zones in a web page. For more information, read Creating a Roadblock.

Each campaign behaves as a single unit. When using unique delivery in a zone, a campaign will only display one ad item per page, regardless of how many ad items it has.

VAST Campaigns

Administrators can choose whether or not to enable VAST ad serving in the Settings page. Go to Settings > Features & Organization Preferences then click on the Enable VAST switch to turn it on or off.

VAST campaigns can hold only VAST ad items, and can be assigned only to VAST ad zones.

Each VAST ad item can have multiple file types. We highly recommend that you take advantage of this feature to ensure compatibility with various VAST-compliant video players. Do not use this feature to upload different ads within a single ad item. It's meant only to accommodate multiple formats of the same ad. For more information, read VAST File Recommendations.

If your video is not encoded correctly, some VAST video players may make multiple requests to download the file, which can result in additional bandwidth usage and slow load times.

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